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- Pupil Voice - Writing
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- Pupil Voice- Phonics
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- Intent, Implementation and Impact statement
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Art & Design
At Marsh Lane Primary, we value Art and Design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. We therefore follow the Kapow Primary Schemes of Work to support our delivery of Art and Design.
Art and Design provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual interests, thought and ideas: Our planning aims to be inclusive of every child and to fulfil the expectations of the National Curriculum.
A high-quality art and design curriculum should inspire, raise aspirations and challenge pupils: equipping them with the knowledge and skills across a variety of artistic genres.
Children will learn that artists come from diverse backgrounds and create their work from locations all over the world. They should also know how art contributes to wider society, particularly understanding how this diversity is present through art.
Our delivery of Art and Design aims to ensure our teaching is progressive through school and identifies key skills through delivery. (Please see knowledge and key skills progression map for more detail). At Marsh Lane Primary:
- staff follow the knowledge and skills progression document and Kapow schemes of work to create an overview for the year.
- Relevant technical vocabulary is covered when appropriate and is revisited regularly.
- As much as possible, units link with the thematic driver subjects- history, geography or science.
- Children are exposed to a variety of artists’ work and styles.
- Appropriate resources and materials are available and replenished regularly.
- Learning is adapted to ensure it is accessible for SEND pupils where possible.
Children have sketchbooks to record their work in. The sketchbook is much more than a book with blank paper in to draw on. The sketchbook can be used to develop all the strands of the National Curriculum expectations for Art. Each class teacher will decide when it is appropriate for their class to do so as it would be undesirable to incorporate all these ideas for every single piece of work. The strands of the National Curriculum can be explored in many different ways and using the sketchbook is just one possible approach.
Aims for the sketchbook:
- To provide a record of our children's learning in art
- To make our children more independent and confident artists
Sketchbook inset meeting powerpoint
Our delivery of art and design - Curriculum intent, implementation and impact