Marsh Lane Primary School<

Marsh Lane Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve, Succeed        
Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying


At Marsh Lane, we believe that positive behaviour, both in terms of attitudes to learning and personal conduct and relationships, is a crucial underpinning for learning and success.

Governors are required by law to provide a statement of principles promoting good behaviour. Our School Behaviour Principles have been developed and agreed by the Governing Body after consultation with pupils, parents and staff, and take into account the relevant statutory guidance and related legislation. They underpin our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies, which set out in detail the roles, responsibilities and practice in this area.

Behaviour for learning, is behaviour which encourages learning to take place. Good behaviour needs to be taught, modelled and rewarded. Poor or unacceptable behaviour needs to be sanctioned. Racism, bullying and sexual harassment is not tolerated at Marsh Lane. The age and developmental stage of the pupils will always be considered when applying the behaviour policy.

We expect all members of our school community to live by and be role models of our core values: respect, resilience, empathy and reflection at all times.

 Our Values-based ethos underpins our expectations for behaviour, we make it easy to behave and hard not to by:

  • unconditional positive regard for all pupils;
  • the use of our core values to underpin our choices, actions and on how we reflect on negative choices;
  • a focus on choice: we refer to good choices (which lead to good consequences) and choices which are bad (which lead to negative consequences).  Language of choice is used to encourage
  • self-management of behaviour and reflection on behaviour choices made i.e. there are always different behavioural options
  • any poor behaviour is a result of the choices made rather than negative expectations associated with ‘labelling’ of a child;
  • recognising, acknowledging and rewarding pupils for their positive choices, use of our values and behaviour;
  • consistency in behaviour management based on our whole school structure where all staff are expected and empowered to effectively manage behaviour;
  • a positive and assertive approach, where clear boundaries are set and enforced consistently, fairly, calmly and firmly.

We recognise that individuals have rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community, the importance of clear and consistent classroom routines which are adhered to and a culture of rewards for success.

If any child is worried or concerned about the behaviour of another child towards them, they can speak to their class teacher or another trusted adult in school.

We use the Zones of regulation in year 1-6, which we have found is a powerful resource to help children recognise triggers for emotions and how this can reflect in our behaviour. 

Motivation and Celebration

At Marsh Lane Primary, we know that the vast majority of our children behave impeccably because they are able to self-regulate and also encourage others to do the same. This means that they are usually able to control their behaviour, emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals.

We use a number of rewards to celebrate and recognise positive behaviour, ensuring that children are always praised and congratulated. 

Dojo Points   

We currently use the Class Dojo reward system to encourage positive behaviour in school. Children can earn Dojo points by demonstrating positive behaviour such as helping others, working hard, being kind to others and making good progress during lessons. Parents can see the points rewarded  and children are given certificates and individual class rewards for this. 

Star of the Week

Each class will have a Star of the Week for our Friday celebration assembly. The Head Teacher will share the reason for the Star and this is celebrated by the children with one another. Stars can be awarded for a variety of reasons, good behaviour, manners, work ethic, being a great role model etc. 

Golden Apple Award 

The Head Teacher chooses a pupil from KS1 and from KS2, for the Golden Apple Award. Children also nominate who they think deserves the Golden Apple and reasons why. Children receive a Golden Apple certificate and also have a Golden Apple for their table for the week, Children are proud of this award and teachers will contribute to the award also. 

Subject Shooting Star Award 

Children will receive a certificate in our celebration of learning assembly. This award covers curriculum areas i.e.:

Super Scientist 

Amazing Artist 

Magical Musician 

Geographical Giant 

Happy Historian 

Excellent Exerciser 

Maths Magician 

Regular Reader 

Writing Wizard 

Fabulous Friend