Related Pages
- Our MLPS Curriculum
- MLPS Curriculum Maps
- Subject Leader Reports
- EYFS to KS1 Curriculum Bridge Document
- MLPS English Curriculum
- English National Curriculum
- English Key Skills progression
- English Policy
- Reading
- Reading in EYFS
- Reading Policy
- Pupil Voice- Reading
- Vocabulary
- Writing
- Writing in the EYFS
- Pupil Voice - Writing
- Phonics
- Intent, implementation and impact - Statement
- Phonics Power point
- Phonics Policy
- Pupil Voice- Phonics
- Maths Curriculum
- Intent, Implementation and Impact statement
- Maths - Knowledge and Skills progression document
- Maths in the EYFS
- Maths Policy
- MLPS White Rose Maths Overview
- Pupil Voice Maths
- Science
- Science - Knowledge and Key Skills Progression
- Science in the EYFS
- Science Policy
- Pupil Voice - Science
- Computing
- Computing - Knowledge and Key Skills Progression
- Computing in EYFS
- Computing Policy
- Pupil voice -Computing
- Art & Design
- Art - Knowledge and Key Skills Progression
- Design and Technology - Knowledge and Skills progression
- Art in the EYFS
- DT in the EYFS
- Art Policy
- Pupil Voice - Art
- History
- History - Knowledge and Key Skills Progression
- History Policy
- Pupil Voice History
- Geography
- Geography - Knowledge and Key Skills Progression
- Geography Policy
- Geography - Pupil Voice
- Music
- Music - Knowledge and Key Skills Progression
- Music in the EYFS
- Music Policy
- Pupil Voice - Music
- Physical Education
- P.E. Knowledge and Skills Progression Document
- PE in the EYFS
- P.S.H.E Knowledge and Skills Progression
- PHSE in the EYFS
- PSHE Policy
- MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)
- MFL Knowledge and Skills Progression
- French - Kapow
- French - Units of learning
- R.E.
- R.E. Knowledge and Skills Progression
- RE in the EYFS
- RE Policy
- EYFS curriculum
- Extra Curricular
- Promoting British Values
- British Values Themed links
- Remote Learning Information
- EYFS - Explorers
- Subjects on a Page
Pupil Voice - Geography 
We value the views of our pupils and hold termly informal chats with groups of pupils from EYFS -Year 6 to hear what they think about each subject. Each term we ask the children for their opinions and ideas from throughout the school.
March 2023
We asked the children about what they had been learning recently about Geography.
Please click here to see what our children said overall