Marsh Lane Primary School<

Marsh Lane Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve, Succeed        
Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School

Happy World Book Day from us all at MLPS

Today is World Book Day and although we can't have our usual dress up as a character day in school with everyone, we know lots of you are taking part in our class challenges and dressing up at home! We look forward to seeing your fantastic costumes and activities on Dojo! Have a fantastic day!!

If you would like to take part in guessing our 'Masked Readers' please follow the link below:

Happy World Book Day from Farmer Nathan Bunce - 'Fantastic Mr Fox' 

