Marsh Lane Primary School<

Marsh Lane Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve, Succeed        
Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School

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 A Maths Mastery Approach to Learning

At Marsh Lane Primary, we now teach mathematics using the White Rose Maths Mastery scheme. This approach to learning promotes a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts by taking smaller steps in learning, allowing mathematical concepts to be taught in depth. It encompasses the belief that all children can succeed and learn as one. Any children who grasp concepts quickly are then given the opportunity to deepen their understanding through reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigations, truly mastering all areas of the concept, rather than just moving on. As part of our teaching, we encourage children to initially explore concepts practically using concrete resources.

This allows children to explore concepts for themselves and test out their understanding. After the practical stage of learning, we then expose children to a variety of visual representations, where children can spot patterns and make links between their learning and understand that their learning can be presented in a multitude of different ways.

After children have become fluent in their understanding of mathematical concepts, we then move on to develop their understanding of reasoning and problem solving. Reasoning tasks enable children to prove their understanding by justifying and explaining their ideas. Problem solving tasks are often open-ended and require children to investigate statements or complete multiple steps in a variety of different contexts where their understanding of the concept is stretched and challenged.

We believe that the mastery approach to learning allows children to be more flexible in their mathematical thinking and enables them to have a deeper understanding of what they have learnt.

Each classroom has a display dedicated to Maths as a working wall.

Each classroom has a display dedicated to maths as a working wall, where the maths focus is displayed and where children’s work is celebrated.

Intervention groups take place both within the maths lesson, same day intervention and outside the classroom through additional support; these sessions are delivered by the teacher or teaching assistant and may involve individual or small group work.

We hold an annual Maths Morning Workshop for parents in school. The workshop covered the maths curriculum followed by visits to classes to watch maths classes being taught.


Times Table Rock Stars

Image result for timestables rock

Our school is invested in the fantastic resource ‘Times table Rock Stars’. This is a fun, interactive programme which encourages children to develop their accuracy and fluency with the recall of times table facts. Children are rewarded for answering questions correctly and given coins to spend on the Rock Stars store.

At Marsh Lane Primary, we enjoy a challenge and have had lots of fun running times table competitions with year groups and sometimes against the teachers! The use of Times Tables Rock Stars encourages children to improve their speed and score. Times Table Rock Stars can be made accessible to all, as each teacher can individually select the times table given to your child.

This programme is particularly helpful for year 3 and year 4 children as the ‘Sound Check’ feature is a realistic example of the year 4 times table test, which is taken at the end of year 4.

We have created some Parent Guides to help with learning your Times Tables at home. Please click HERE 


5 apps that make learning fun for your kids!

 We also use Doodle Maths which also helps to make maths fun!  It is filled with fun exercises, interactive numeracy games and unique rewards, Doodle Maths ensures that learning is always fresh and engaging, encouraging children to practice ‘little and often’.

Doodle maths is accessible to all the children and once again they enjoy the competitive and visual element of the score board. Beating their personal bests and seeing their progress. Being awarded certificates and also the recognition in our Star worker school assemblies.

Mathematical Language and Vocabulary

A key area we are promoting in school this year is the use of mathematical language and vocabulary. At the start of each lesson, key vocabulary is shared with children and discussed together in order to understand its meaning. We are encouraging the use of full sentences for children’s responses, allowing them to clearly explain themselves and make use of the new vocabulary they have learnt.

This is then reinforced through the use of vocabulary lists on maths working walls and is used within lessons through questioning and activities. 

Maths Displays and Learning Walls

Maths working walls and displays, are used as a supportive tool for children to use during lessons. In each classroom, the maths working wall provides current worked examples of learning with clear models and supportive resources to help children succeed. These are regularly updated by teaching staff to link with the current units being taught.

Ways to help your child 

Help us to support your child's understanding of mathematics at home by exploring the following together at home: 

 For Foundation Stage and Key Stage One 

  • Counting objects together
  • Watching mathematical songs and videos on You tube 
  • Showing your child coins and using money in a real life environment 
  • Weighing and measuring things together 
  • Telling the time (O' clock and half past) 
  • Year 2: Begin to explore Times Table Rock Stars 

Key Stage Two

  • Times Table Rock Stars 
  • Telling the time (analogue and digital) with your child 
  • Reading and understanding times tables 
  • Using money and calculating change 

Please click here for the Maths methods handbook we have published for parents, as a guide to helping support your child at home.

We have also produced some handy tips to help develop maths at home and in our everyday life! 

Please click on the link for each year group:

EYFS        Year 1      Year 2        Year 3        Year 4         Year 5           Year 6