Marsh Lane Primary School<

Marsh Lane Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve, Succeed        
Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School Life at Marsh Lane Primary School

SEND Curriculum

At Marsh Lane Primary School, we believe that every child has the right to access a broad and balanced curriculum.  We adopt a knowledge rich curriculum that meets the needs and interests of all pupils and promotes high levels of achievement, personal development and successful progression to the next stages of learning.

The bespoke curriculum delivered to all children at Marsh Lane Primary School:

  • has the needs of the children at the heart of everything we do
  • is based on a strong foundation of oracy
  • meets the needs of our local community
  • is full of exciting, enriching and enjoyable learning experiences
  • provides opportunities for our children, staff and parents to all learn together.
  • positively improves academic outcomes
  • prepares our children to become positive role models in and effective contributors to society
  • gives our pupils the chance to become the very best versions of themselves.

Meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs is the responsibility of all teaching staff and their needs are usually met through a differentiated curriculum. The SENCO will support staff to ensure effective provision is in place.

We operate a graduated response to supporting all pupils including those with additional learning needs.

Wave 1 – Quality First Teaching

At Marsh Lane Primary School, most children will be taught in a mainstream class. For those children who require more enhanced support, we also offer a targeted teaching sessions according to their personalised plans.

Children will be taught within this group to enable them to access an appropriate curriculum matched to their developmental level, accelerating pupil progress in reading, writing and maths and boosting children’s confidence and engagement in learning.

Children will access the broad and balanced curriculum with an enhanced focus on developing functional life skills. We feel this will prepare our children for life outside of School by:

  • Finding new ways of thinking and problem solving
  • Developing self-confidence, self-worth, self-awareness and resilience in all pupils.
  • Developing employability skills and supporting challenging career aspirations
  • Developing principles, values and integrity
  • Developing physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • Developing financial capability.

Wave 2 – Targeted Interventions

For those children with identified needs or those children who may need some extra ‘catch-up’, we offer a range of small group intervention programmes that can help to accelerate pupil progress. Depending on the needs of individual children they will access different interventions led by trained teaching assistants. The progress within these interventions will be closely monitored and tracked half termly to measure impact and ensure their effectiveness. We offer a range of intervention programmes including:

Speech, Language and Communication:

Talk Boost


1:1 speech and language interventions

Cognition and Learning

Phonics Bug club Group and 1:1 interventions


1:1 Reading

Toe by Toe

Social, Emotional and Mental Health


Lego Therapy


Therapeutic Stories

Positive Play

Physical and Sensory

Sensory diet programmes

Motor coordination programmes

Physical Literacy
